To avoid conflicts of interest, this blog has no commercial ambition and it does not have, and does not seek, financial support. This site does not offer or provide financial advice. Internet traffic or "click count", measuring popularity, is not a primary concern.
With the aim to build a scientific foundation for economics, this blog tries to avoid speculation or politics, which has already an over-abundance in the blogsphere. It is the policy of this blog to make every effort to substantiate statements with facts, research and cross-checking of sources. Apologies for any failure to resist speculation or politics in some posts.
Whenever this blog makes references and quotes, it does not necessarily approve or disapprove the sources, it is merely showing that certain ideas or opinions have been publicly expressed by certain prominent or influential people.
This blog takes seriously the method of doubt of Rene Descartes (1637), who was one of the giants on whose shoulders Isaac Newton stood. Empirical evidence is used to check theoretical propositions. No established theory is taken for granted. The goal is to find all that is certain in an uncertain world of economics. Proofs are sought wherever possible. Mathematics is used as simply as possible and only where it is necessary.
Of course, there is a lot more that is true than can be proven. But this blog prefers
to select and discuss only those which can be proven. To paraphrase Wittgenstein (1921), whatever can be said on this blog at all should be proven, whereof one cannot, thereof one should remain silent.
Much of economic theory has not been proven, either deductively from indubitable
assumptions or inductively from facts of observation. Economics is therefore not a
science. This blog is a project to change this situation.