I have had professional careers in both physics and financial economics research in universities, business and government.
Starting with an honours degree in mathematics and a PhD in physics, I have published over 30 papers in refereed journals including astrophysics, plasma physics, nuclear fusion and theoretical biology during a 15-year research career.
I switched to finance and economics after studies in economics and gaining a post-graduate diploma in applied finance. I have lectured in finance and economics at universities for three years. In late 1980s, I was part of the global diaspora of “rocket scientists” flooding into quantitative finance within the investment industry.
After more than 10 years in investment management, proprietary trading (BT) and asset consulting (InTech and Mercer), I became dissatisfied with the financial services industry. Then I worked for 10 years for major government regulators (ASIC and APRA) of corporations, banks, insurance and pension funds in economic research in order to understand regulatory failures since 2000.
I have published more than 30 papers in investment management, credit risk, pension governance and economics. My experiences have motivated me to build a scientific economic paradigm to address properly some of the major issues of our world.
What I say or write about is not compromised by funding from business or government. I only seek and speak the truth as a scientist, without political ideology or preconceived Utopian dreams. The truth will set us free - we are shackled by too many economic fallacies.
Contact: webmaster@asepp.com
"The Truth doesn't set you free - it is when you begin your pursuit of truth, you are already free."
Pallas Athena
Henri Poincare (the last great all-round mathematician) said:
The vast majority of people "believe everything" to dispense with thinking - it's easier. Even those who are supposed to think or seek the truth do not know how to doubt or think, because they make far too many assumptions using paradigms.
Many academics teach textbook economics which they don't believe themselves. Their rationalization is that there are useful concepts even if the theories are wrong. Besides, they don't know anything else better or more suitable!
Hence only the truth can unfetter the bondage of falsehoods which enslave most people in their beliefs and their actions. Most people do not seek the truth. They are victims of passive acceptance of falsehoods taught to them.
Yes, it is time expose neoclassic economics for what it is, a religion not science. You cannot have theories and principles that violate the laws of physics, ignore thermodynamics, fail to acknowledge energy flow and treat nature as income. I am glad I came across ASEPP and its work which will complement the efforts of Ecological Economists.
Welcome. Sorry I have delayed replying because, about ecological economics, I have nothing new to say which is original and important. Evidently, the science of climate change and the environment have been hijacked by "managers" and non-scientists with political agendas. It is impossible to discuss sound economic policy when scientific truth and fiction have been confused.
Academic economists are useless on important economic issues, because they do not get out of their ivory tower often enough to find out what are socially important in the real world. Instead, they are locked in a scholastic time warp churning out publications on imaginary worlds with mathematical models based on absurd assumptions. Or else, the mathematically incompetent are yearning for a revival of grandiose philosophizing in the name of "pluralism".
Clearly one does not need much knowledge of science or economics to consider issues such as this: